Kathryn r

I am a 51 year old female who was in need of a message therapist and a professional who could do energy work , specifically Reiki. I had recently lost my mother sudddenly. I was feeling heavyness in my whole body. Pain in my upper back, neck, TMJ, and headaches. I have a history of a Traumatic Brain Injury which I have been recovering from since 2010. I had been looking for a Massage Therapist that also was proficient in Reki , and had medical background. I spoke with Glenn over the telephone and described my physical issues and emotional feelings of sudden loss that were triggering my recurring TBI symptoms. Glenn was very professional, kind, knowledgable about massage, and Reiki, and use of crystals to move the energies that were causing my body to feel heavy . I also chose him because he is an RN, as I am myself , which made me feel as if he would understand the underlying issues of a TBI. I came into his care feeling very down and in much pain. Glenn's Theraputic touch, his knowledge of Physiology, and Reiki, transformed me after a 90 minute session. I had been having difficulty sleeping and the message and Reiki allowed me to sleep for the first time since my loss. My thoughts slowed, my headaches were fewer in- between, and the feeling of heavyness I could not shake transformed into feeling lite, and with very little pain in my body. I have had many massages over my life and energy work. Glenn is a 10 out of 10. He will make you feel safe, cared for, and heard during the whole experience. I continue to see him for massage and Reki . If you are looking for a professional, highly knowledgable , compassionate, practitioner then I would look no further than Glenn. Your Body, mind, and heart will thank you.

Hayden J.

Yes, this guy is Amazing! GLENN GANGANO!! So I have sustained injuries in Nov '18 from an accident where a car hit me walking my bike through the crosswalk, I have chronic pain, in my lower back (sacrum), cervical spine , and both knees, right worse off, and has recently undergone surgery. And a case of carpal tunnel in my right wrist from 16+ years as a Cosmetologist, Whew! Tall order with a couple flat feet to top it off!! There was plenty to fill him in on and not only did he listen to everything I said, he explained to me what was going on and what he'd like to work on with me and what my treatment path would be today and in future visits! He addressed several areas of pain with massage, he also did so Reiki on my Carapal tunnel! *Sigh! This is what I never knew I needed in my life! Hehe he is a Pro and I'm happy to have started my treatment path with Glenn, it's the best decision I've made, approaching 2021 with excitement now, THANK YOU GLENN! C'ya Soon!

Whitney P.

Glenn helped me one day post ACL reconstruction. We focused on lymphatic drainage and pain management. The reiki really helped with the pain and allowed me to have a sound nights sleep. I am so appreciative of his work and highly recommend!

Elle M.

Glenn totally made my day. His combination of techniques was tailored to what I needed perfectly. He combined hot stone with traditional massage and reiki to bring me stress and pain relief. And it was a pleasure talking to him too. Recommend!


For the past two years, I had been carrying the pain from a divorce that left me emotionally scarred. I was feeling helpless and lost. I sought guidance from self help books, friends and family. While they did offer healing, I wasn’t able to fully let go of my past. I had heard about the healing properties of crystals and reiki. When I came across Glenn and his practice, I decided to give it a chance, after reading all the positive reviews. I did not expect the magnitude of transformation I would experience soon after. Glenn informed me that my chakras were all blocked, especially my heart and performed a “cord pulling” session where he paid close attention in removing the pain that still lingered. I decided to surrender and placed complete trust in Glenn. During the session, I felt a faint electric current emanating from my heart. After the session, I immediately felt lighter as if a ton of emotional weight was lifted. My head felt clearer and there was a lightness in my step. I honestly felt “happy.” I was smiling and for no particular reason. Glenn also gave me a tarot reading with a hopeful message. His reading of my past, present and future truly resonated with me, informing me that I was in isolation this whole time, my heart being closed off to love but that the future hold promise and that greater things are to come. I just need to trust the Universe. It was as if he was reading me like a book. His intuition is remarkable. The next day I thought that the “lightness” would fade away, but it continued. Even my friends and family noticed a difference in my demeanor. One of my friends even used the word “lighter” to describe my behavior. Glenn is a true healer and I recommend him for anyone seeking solace after having gone through an emotional traumatic life event. He has a gentle and calming approach and takes his time in understanding your needs.

D'Ann L.

I visited to help myself unplug and take a break from all of the noise that life can bring. I have been in the retail/wholesale industry for over 15 years and in my line of work turning your brain off when you get home is near impossible and I didn’t know how to unplug. Immediately from my assessment I knew I was in the right place, as he was able to help me understand what the experience was about and what we were looking to achieve. For the first time in all of my experiences of seeking help to unwind and unplug, I actually achieved it! I was able to block out all of the stress from work and all the other things going on during this pressing time. Bliss comes in many forms and in the session I had, my mind was finally blank and turned off. I felt rest, I felt comfort, and more importantly I felt like I hadn’t in a very long time.

Yael E.

I can’t recommend Glenn enough! He was just what I needed. He was able to get me to overcome something I have been struggling with for years. I would highly recommend Glenn for any of his services!! His space. His energy. It’s a complete package! Can’t wait to see him again!

Glenn is a clinically trained,
registered nurse who offers
sincere and professional care.

Office Hours

Monday        9AM - 6PM
Tuesday        9AM - 6PM
Wednesday   9AM - 6PM
Thursday      9AM - 6PM
Friday          9AM - 6PM

Saturday       Closed
Sunday         Closed

Contact Info


The Healing Arts Building
1801 Bush Street Suite 303,
San Francisco, CA 94109

Copyrights ©  2023. Glenn Healing Hands | All Rights Reserved.