About Us

I’m a registered nurse by training who happens to be a massage therapist, nurse coach, Reiki practitioner, and an aromatherapist. I’m passionate about educating, empowering, and working with you as a team to find your body’s inner knowledge for true healing. I harness the power of massage (or bodywork), coaching, and Reiki to facilitate your transition into the direction of wellness with the goal of meaningful lasting change.

I have ten years of training in a brain trauma, spinal cord, stroke neurological acute rehabilitation in-patient department in San Francisco. My clinical experience and research focuses on management of pain, decreasing and mitigating anxiety, stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue. I also have seven years of pediatric home-health experience dealing with the most complicated of cases easing parents’ anxieties, and most importantly empowering the child to develop and grow in a safe environment with a caregiver meeting the developmental needs in a fun way. In addition, upon completion of nursing school in 2006 I began my nursing career at UCLA Transitional Transplant ICU/Liver Department for three years.

I am currently nationally certified in:

Certified Massage Therapist (California)
Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Therapist (Klose Training using Vodder Technique)
Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse (#00284588)
Holistic Nurse 
Holistic Nurse and Health and Wellness Coach
Integrative Aromatherapist
Certified Reiki Practitioner (Certified by Reiki Centers of America from Reiki Masters Christopher Tellez and Brian Bruinius)

The human body has the capacity to heal itself, although not just from a biomedical model perspective. I come in with a holistic and integrative view that mind-body-spirit are all interconnected. I have worked with various people with various chronic and acute conditions and pain.

Within the health and wellness coaching aspect of my practice facilitating and co-partnering with my clients to reframe new and old concepts into something transformative to make a meaningful long-lasting change is critical
I use various modalities within the coaching model with the ultimate goal of reaching measurable and objective data with my clients either it be reaching a specific weight; decreasing their A1C% and managing their diabetes; managing functional changes of movement due to an illness like MS or stroke; and to even changing professional careers.

My various knowledge in both Western and Eastern modalities allows me to decipher safely, appropriately (which modality has its limitations to something with greater efficacy) and to integrate the two Worlds into a care plan that individualize and respects your needs.

My journey to be the very best nurse has made me a lifelong learner of the latest scientific advancements in therapies and treatments. Many say I have a divine gift for helping those who are battling life-altering diagnoses such as cancer or are in hospice care transition as comfortably as possible with grace and dignity.

I use scientific methodology to guide my compassionate, professional care with that most regard for your safety. Services are offered in my San Francisco-based office and through a very limited mobile massage service.

Glenn is a clinically trained,
registered nurse who offers
sincere and professional care.

Office Hours

Monday        9AM - 6PM
Tuesday        9AM - 6PM
Wednesday   9AM - 6PM
Thursday      9AM - 6PM
Friday          9AM - 6PM

Saturday       Closed
Sunday         Closed

Contact Info


The Healing Arts Building
1801 Bush Street Suite 303,
San Francisco, CA 94109

Copyrights ©  2023. Glenn Healing Hands | All Rights Reserved.